While drug possession laws around the United States have become more lenient, law enforcement considers drug trafficking to be an entirely different ballgame. If you are facing trafficking charges, the consequences can be severe, so it is unwise to try handling your defense on your own.
In the state of Florida, there are three tiers of consequences for selling, purchasing, manufacturing or delivering large amounts of illicit drugs. Depending on the type of substance and the amount, mandatory prison sentences and fines can vary. Consider the way the law differs for these three illicit drugs.
1. Cannabis
Although cannabis is now legal for adults in numerous states, trafficking remains a felony. In Florida, a person who trafficks 25-2,000 pounds or 300-2,000 plants faces a mandatory 3-year prison sentence and a $25,000 fine. For 2,000-10,000 pounds or 2,000-10,000 plants, the prison sentence increases to seven years and the fine goes up to $50,0000. For more than 10,000 pounds or plants, you can face a 15-year mandatory sentence and a $200,000 fine.
2. Cocaine
Some drug penalties are even tougher. With the first tier of cocaine trafficking, for example, 28 grams-200 grams can result in three years of prison and a $50,000 fine. For trafficking 200-400 grams, prison time is seven years, and the fine is $100,000. For trafficking 400 grams-150 kilograms, you can face 15 years imprisonment and a $250,000 fine.
3. Fentanyl
Like cannabis and cocaine, fentanyl penalties are also steep. The first tier with 3-year imprisonment and a $50,000 fine is for trafficking 4-14 grams. For 14-28 grams, there is a 15-year prison sentence and a $100,000 fine, and for more than 28 grams, it goes up to 25 years and $500,000.
Without a doubt, drug trafficking charges are serious. Understanding the law can help you prepare your defense.