When authorities stop you and charge you with driving under the influence of alcohol in Florida, you may have concerns about whether a conviction means you are going to have to spend time behind bars. While you face fines, community service obligations, license...
The Name You
The Name You
We have deep ties to the community, we have represented clients in Southwest Florida for more than 25 years.
Month: February 2021
Can you get payment early during divorce?
Life does not stop when you file for divorce. You still have personal needs and desires. Unfortunately, these things cost money. Rather than make unnecessary sacrifices or strategic missteps, you might be able to go through official channels to get the money you...
Think twice before recording: Florida’s laws on wiretapping
Thanks to advancements in technology, today’s devices are multi-functional. In addition to being a telephone, camera, planner, translator and radio, many devices also serve as recording devices. As a result, the temptation to record conversations — especially by...
We’re conveniently located in downtown Fort Myers, just one block from the federal and state courthouses.