Dividing property in a Florida divorce marks a final step, but sometimes, circumstances change. You may wonder if modifying the division of assets after the divorce remains possible. In most cases, property division stays permanent, but some exceptions exist. When can...
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Property Division
What happens to a co-owned rental property in a divorce?
Any divorce comes with challenges. For couples who own rental properties, it adds an extra layer of complexity. Understanding what happens to such assets is important for individuals navigating this difficult terrain. Selling the rental property One common option is...
Should you sell the home before or after divorce?
Your home is likely the biggest marital asset you and your spouse own together. As such, it will likely pose the biggest challenge when it comes time to sell it, especially if an impending divorce is the event that triggers your decision. Of the many logistics of the...
Your retirement accounts and what to expect in property division
In addition to your home, retirement accounts may be among the most significant assets to be split during the property division phase of your divorce. Retirement accounts fall into two categories and splitting will depend on the kind of account that is up for...
Do people with more assets fight more?
Having more assets is usually seen as a good thing. But what happens when having more assets actually contributes to a more vitriolic divorce? Popular myth states that people with more assets tend to have bigger fights when dividing assets in divorce. But how true is...
How do people hide assets?
Asset hiding has occurred alongside divorces for as long as property division itself has existed. To that end, anyone can hide assets for any reason, and it is important for everyone going into a divorce to know how to protect themselves. One of the best ways to do...
401(k) considerations during divorce proceedings
Divorce proceedings in Florida present separating couples with a number of complexities. Many of these relate directly to property division, where many often have questions regarding the separation between marital and separate property. Retirement funds (specifically...
Assets a nonworking Florida spouse may obtain in a divorce
Property purchased while married divides by fairness under Florida’s equitable distribution statutes. When only one spouse worked, a nonworking spouse may request a fair portion of a couple’s marital assets. Fairness, however, may not always reflect an even division....
Can one spouse buy out the other spouse to retain assets?
During a divorce, one of the most contentious processes is dividing property. You and your spouse will need to go through every asset you own that has value and is not personal property. You will have to decide who gets what. The Florida Statutes explain you must do...
What factors does the court use to divide property?
Property division in Florida occurs within the concept of equitable distribution. This does not mean an equal division but rather a fair division of property between you and your spouse. According to the Florida Statutes, the court will use a variety of factors to...
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