Photo of Ian F. Mann

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The Name You
The Name You

We have deep ties to the community, we have represented clients in Southwest Florida for more than 25 years.

Photo of Ian F. Mann

What is parental alienation syndrome?

When parents get involved in a heated divorce, children can suffer unintentionally. Sometimes, the actions parents take can do some serious damage to a child’s mental well-being.

This is often the case when it comes to parental alienation. Children who suffer from parental alienation syndrome often carry the impact with them well into their adult years.

PAS and behavioral issues

Psychology Today takes a look at parental alienation syndrome. This is a result of parental alienation, which occurs when one parent tries to alienate their child from their co-parent. They may use many underhanded and manipulative tactics in their bid to accomplish this goal. Parental alienation syndrome (PAS) is often found in children who suffer through this psychological abuse.

Children with PAS often display temperamental and behavioral anomalies. For example, a perky and optimistic kid may grow gloomy, sullen and withdrawn. They may lash out at others, especially authority figures or peers. Of course, they will likely display aggression and aversion toward the alienated parent. Some may also exhibit signs of self-harm or self-directed guilt. These children often treat themselves in a harsh way.

PAS as a victim ages

As children with PAS age, it manifests in different ways. Many develop or exhibit traits of anxiety, depression and stress related trauma disorders. To cope, some may turn to alcohol or other substances. This can cause substance abuse issues. Many struggle with emotional closeness and healthy relationships, too. They find it hard to bond with peers and hard to develop romantic ties.

Due to the severity of these symptoms, it is important to seek assistance the moment you notice signs of PAS. Consider talking to a legal expert.



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