Photo of Ian F. Mann

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The Name You
The Name You

We have deep ties to the community, we have represented clients in Southwest Florida for more than 25 years.

Photo of Ian F. Mann

Speeding leads to arrest for drug possession

There are some actions that are almost certain to gain the attention of Florida law enforcement officers. Running a stop sign and speeding are two such actions. Thus, if one is stopped after committing one of these actions, it should come as no surprise. Furthermore, if one may have something to hide, these actions might need to be avoided as officers may take the opportunity to search for possible drug possession.

Recently, two women were stopped after the driver apparently ran a stop sign and then went speeding away. Officers stopped the pair and questioned their actions. In response, the ladies indicated that they were running late and had to get to work. While this sounds like a plausible reason for the actions, a K-9 officer alerted his handler to the possibility of drugs in the vehicle.

Officers searched the car and discovered what they believe to be cocaine and methamphetamine combined in several plastic bags. They also discovered a little over $600 and a firearm. The two women were arrested and charged with felony drug possession in addition to a weapons charge.

There are many questions that need to be answered regarding a situation such as this one. For example, the evidence collected, procedures used, tests performed and more will need to be analyzed and evaluated. Additionally, if the substance seized is in fact cocaine and methamphetamine, were both women aware that it was in the car. In a situation such as this one, each individual will want the assistance of an experienced defense team in answering drug possession charges before a Florida court.

Source:, “2 Key West bartenders busted on meth, cocaine charges“, Gwen Filosa, April 14, 2017


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