A Florida man and two of his partners are in police custody after being arrested recently. According to published reports, the men worked for Kratom Lab, a company that manufactured synthetic marijuana. Now, the same men have been charged with crimes related to selling drugs.
Florida officials say that they arrested one of the men after a parking lot deal recently. The man is accused of selling drugs that tested positive as being synthetic marijuana. The deal included $71,250 being paid for 15,000 packets of Mr. Nice Guy synthetic marijuana.
Synthetic marijuana is also called K2 or Spice and first became extremely popular back in 2010. The synthetic drug in this case has been listed as a controlled substance and banned by authorities since March 2011. In an effort to further battle the proliferation of synthetic drugs, the Florida attorney general recently filed an emergency rule to add 22 other chemical compounds to the list of those that were banned.
When a person in our state finds that they have been accused of selling drugs like the men in this case, they may seek to present a full defense against the claims. This may be complicated by the ever-changing rules regarding the chemical compounds that are controlled in our state. In fact, government officials have noted that they have made an effort to make these changes over the past two years.
Selling drugs can be a serious accusation and lead to harsh penalties in our state. When such an accusation occurs, the defense that is presented is important to those who are fighting for their freedom. In such cases, it may do well for the accused individual to seek a full understanding of all charges and the claims made against them as they work to present a defense.
Source: Sun Sentinel, “Mr. Nice Guy synthetic marijuana,” Jon Burstein, Dec. 14, 2012