Ian F. Mann, P.A. – Injunctions | Video Transcript
[Graphic: Ian F Mann PA, Attorney At Law, www.IANFMANN.com, 866-416-1488, 239-935-5935, 2101 McGregor Boulevard Unit 102 Fort Myers, Florida 33901, Don’t Take Chances When Your Freedom Is On The Line]
IAN F. MANN: An injunction is just what we call a restraining order in Florida. An injunction’s issued by family court. I have done a couple thousand injunctions over the years that I’ve been practicing law. It’s important to hire a criminal defense attorney to represent you in an injunction because once that injunction’s issued, things can spin out of control very quickly. And things can go very bad. If you hire an attorney to represent you at the beginning of the process, we may be able to prevent that injunction from being even issued in the first place and save you all that trouble.